Wednesday, 19 July 2006

Dramas Dramas Dramas

Well its been a week since my last update and I can tell you that a lot has happened. Lets start my last Tuesday night. As per normal myself and Debra went to our ice skating lesson. We learnt how to do this cool bunny jump thing and practiced our lunges, as we were skating back to the barrier to do another jump my ankle gave way under me and i felt myself hit the ice. With angonising pain shooting up my leg I got assisted off the ice and sat down with frozen peas and my hot chocolate. As you can see from the picture my ankle was pretty fat. In the morning my ankle was still pretty fat and quite painful so i decided that trip to the doctors to ascertain if anything was broken was the best idea. So Debra bundled me up in the car and took me to the doctors, and then the doctor recommened getting an x-ray and then the x-ray people said that yes it in fact was broken. As you can see from the x-ray even a dummy can see that it is broken.

So off to the hospital to get a plaster, well that is what i thought, three hours later i was told that no a plaster was not what they were going to do, I needed to go to have an operation and I was admitted to hospital there and then and was told that i would get my operation tomorrow.

The next day i was on a Nil By Mouth (NBM) diet which meant no eating or drinking at all. At about three o'clock i was getting pretty dehydrated, so in goes the canulater and the IV drip. At 5pm they came and advised me that my operation had been cancelled and that it was scheduled for tomorrow, which meant I get to have dinner but that also I was on NBM again.

So at about 1pm on Friday it was time to go. It was pretty scary and smelt pretty bad down in the operating theatre. I was drugged up and off to sleep i went. At about 4.45 i woke up and the surgery was over and i woke up dazed and confused. I was taken back to my room to sleep it off.
On Saturday I was told my the doctor that I would no be going home until at least Monday. Great, another two days in hospital! So I did my time and finally got admitted on Monday with strict instructions no weight on my foot, i must keep it elevated at all times and not work for two weeks, great! What am I going to do now.

I can tell you that while I didn't much like being in hospital (especially when coughing old lady coughed ALL night) but being at home is so much harder, you can't carry anything, its an effort to get up, my foot just aches when it hangs low at least when I sprained my ankles in the past after a couple of days you can at least put weight on it. Oh and the netball is this weekend, I can tell you i have been looking forward to this since March (when i brought the tickets) and I think I am going to have to hire a wheelchair and sit in the disabled zone as I need to keep my foot elevated! I can tell you the silver ferns better win, at least maybe I might get better seats!
As i only have dial up at home at the moment, can't put more pictures on but have more to come.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lame! Oops. No pun intended.
Hope all heals up well.

On the plus side, the weather must be better there than H-town. Last week we had a hail storm that was a foot deep in some places!