Sunday, 18 February 2007

Week In Review

This week has been pretty busy, it saw me:

- Start my new job. I hadn't worked in over two months and getting back into it was hard. Long days (i now work 40 hours instead of my usualy 37.5 hours per week), starting a new job and getting the hang of it and catching the bus (which is always late) to work and getting told off. Fun. I definently need a car!! The good thing is though, I got paid, woo hoo and have spent it already!!

- Getting such a lovely surpise on Valentines day! :)

- Turning into an old lady, I decided to tag along with mum and her friend to Bingo on Wednesday night, and I actually won two prizes, is it wrong for me to say that i enjoyed it??
- finally being able to get my hair done!

- My sister turning 21. We had her party on Saturday and sang until our throats were dry.

Nic and Dustin (who knows what they were doing!)

Dustin and his cars


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