Saturday, 7 June 2008

Saturday's Shinigans


On Saturday Hayley had scored four free tickets to the Redbull Flugtag in Hyde Park, so myself, Hayley and Louisa headed down on Saturday morning. After finding a semi-good posie we settled down and waited for the dancing and contraptions to fly. As we had an extremely annoying tree in the way (damm that park for having so many trees) we only had a limited view of the dancing but fortunately were in a good spot to see the contraptions fly (fall) off the edge. It was good for free and fortunately London turned on a fantastic day and made us all at little less pasty.

How we spent most of the night, talking and laughing!

On Saturday night Hayley had organised a "girls night" of glamour, gossiping, drinking and boogging. Debra was also in town and us girls hadn't caught up all together in ages. After a few too many Flirtini's and Pam had been watching Sex in the City marathons so no subject was untouched the night was spent gossiping, reminiscing and catching up and didn't end up going out as before we knew it, it was 4am!! So many pictures were taken so don't forget to check out the photo gallery for HEAPS more pictures.



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