Monday, 31 October 2005

Day Two Detox

We managed to get to the supermarket on Sunday and spent an hour, maybe more, buying all the food we needed. I think we brought almost every fruit and vegetable variety the store hand!! Our fridge went from nearly empty to full and cost us an arm and a leg to do.

Yesterday, I have disgusting crunchy wheat free, gluten free, taste free museli with natural youghurt and berries. The museli was so crunchy and chewy that by the time I have finished my last mouthful I could hardly talk. It was not as good as mums. Debra make some pumpkin soup for lunch yesterday as well. I don't like pumpkins anyway but this browny-yellow soup tasted worse than the museli. So instead of having that for dinner I eat gluten free, and whatever else free bread and carrot sticks. Debra agreed with me on the soup and we are going to throw the rest of the spew soup away.

On our shopping trip we also brought some Carrot, Apple and Ginger juice. Wow... there are a whole bunch of flavours in there that SHOULD NOT ever be mixed together. After two mouth fuls I was dry reaching and decided not to have anymore, but I think Debra is purservering holding her nose and doing a chaser of orange juice. I am not sure what is worse the bitters or the juice!!!!

Yesterday, I spent most of the day with a massive headache and cravings for chocolate, which seemed to have continued onto day, but otherwise am feeling good.

Oh, and the other night I found this on the carpet. Thank god it was dead. I'm not sure I could have handeled an alive one! Look at how big it is!!! This is the front and back of the little blitter!!!


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